10 Things The Maid Of Honour Can't Forget To Do
The maid of honour is responsible for a lot of things—from planning a whirlwind hen's party weekend and helping the bride shop for a wedding dress, to answering a 2 a.m. phone call because the bride is having night sweats about napkin colours. Here are the top 10 things a MOH must program into her DNA from the minute she is enlisted to the big day.
1. Listen
Weddings are like elaborate business projects with a number of team players who report to the CEO, ie. the bride. You'll have to lend an ear when she needs to vent and also keep track of what's important to her throughout this period. It's also key to be able to read between the lines.
2. Be honest - most of the time
Chances are, you earned the MOH gig because you're already super close to the bride. She trusts you and your opinions, so no need to lie that you adore the bridesmaids' dresses when the style makes you all look seven-months pregnant. At the same time, know when to bite your tongue if your opinion isn't going to help anyone.
3. Toast the bride
Write a mini speech. The good news: you love the bride, so coming up with a speech about why you're happy for her shouldn't be hard. If public speaking isn't your thing, instead of picturing all the guests naked (or gulping down liquid courage), just focus your attention solely on the couple.
4. Channel your inner party planner
You'll be at the helm of the bridal shower and the bachelorette party. Between working out all the logistics and scouting Pinterest for ideas, you're going to be quite busy.
5. Coordinate bridesmaids' duties
Prepare to email and text—a lot. The wedding party is a team and you want everyone to help the bride as much as possible. Just remember, you're not here to boss anyone around.
6. Keep emotions in check
Even if you're level-headed, weddings tend to bring out a lot of emotions that have a tendency to ricochet. If a fellow bridesmaid is constantly "critiquing" your ideas for the bachelorette party, take a deep breath, remind yourself you're an adult and that you don't need to retaliate. Note: Happy tears are ok.
7. Be resourceful
This goes beyond having an emergency sewing kit or stain-removing wipes. Before the big day, gather all important contact info—from the florist to the bride's mother in law—
that way if something goes awry you can step in to help.
8. Take care of the bride
Your mission: keep her happy and well-fed. Strawberries in Champagne don't count as a meal. You might have to run out and grab her a smoothie (a genius solution for a hungry bride
who already had her makeup done), or perhaps calm her jitters if the officiant is running late.
9. Learn how to navigate that gown
No one wants to spend an hour trying to figure out the intricate lace corset dress or a tricky bustle. Do a test-run at least the day before.
10. Have fun
Yes, you're here to help, but this is a super-special opportunity to have an amazing time strengthening your friendship.