What Type Of Hen Are You?
Wedding planning can become so stressful it's enough to turn mild-mannered bride-to-bes into maniacs. Pushy parents, bitchy bridesmaids, florist fails and hopeless hairdressers are just some of the things girls have to deal with when trying to organise the biggest day of their lives. It's no wonder, then, that the hen's party was invented. As well as a way to celebrate and farewell the days of being a single gal, hen's parties are a form of stress relief, when all of the worries and cares of organising the big day are put aside for a night, a day, or a whole weekend of pure indulgence.
And just as there are different types of brides, so there are a variety of "hens". Some prefer a civilised soiree, while others prefer to party the night away. Before you head off to yours, take a minute to decide which one you feel is closest to your party personality.
The Dirty (Dirrr-tay) Hen
This girl is up for absolutely anything on her night out. She wants penis-shaped everything – straws, sunglasses, piñatas and cakes – so expect to see a lot of peen at this celebration. She will most likely want to let loose on her last single days, with plenty of champagne and maybe (okay, most probably) a lap dance or two from Magic Mike's hotter cousin. Be prepared for a wild night, and memories to keep you entertained for a lifetime. The one rule – what happens on the hen’s night, stays on the hen’s night.
The Classy Hen
This hen will make sure you're in for a day full of good, clean fun, plenty of #winetime and lots and lots of laughs. It's guaranteed to be a great day catching up with the girls, and you will definitely live it up! This bride-to-be will most likely hold a day of activities – think a wine tour or a spa weekend away. She will want something high quality, so be prepared to splash out the big bucks to celebrate her big day.
The Kitchen-Tea Hen
This is probably the most tame (but also most likely what I would do for mine). The kitchen-tea hen wants to get together at home, eat super-cute food in the shape of a ring, or snack on bags of popcorn with the words “he popped the question” written on the front. She wants to relax with the girls, sip on one or two strawberry daiquiris and watch Bridesmaids. You won't have to fork out much for this one, and you'll get plenty of an Instagram-worthy photo-ops.
The Hybrid Hen
She starts off as the kitchen-tea hen – wanting a quiet, low-key night with the girls, but instead of having one or two daiquiris she heads straight for the vodka shots. It will still be the perfect night, full of surprises right from the beginning, and you will not know what hit you (especially the morning after!).