10 Worst Wedding Songs Of All Time
Photography: MacDougall Photography
Whilst planning, you’re inevitably going to disagree on at least something, from the cake flavours, to the guest list, to the colour scheme – but one that is more common for couples than any other big day decision is the music.
So you’ve got the golden oldies, who want some old school classic rock to keep their vibe alive, the eclectic friends from high school who would die if DD Dumbo wasn’t at least played for half the night, and your school girls who want all your old jams played all night long. So instead of deciding on a playlist, because music is such a personal (and often generation dependent choice), we thought we’d make a compilation of all the worst songs that you could possibly play at your wedding instead.
99 Problems, by Jay Z
Seriously, this one should be 100% understandable. “99 Problems but a B#%@H ain’t one” isn’t exactly what your grandma had in mind when you told her you were marrying the guy of your dreams. Plus ghetto, gangsta dancing doesn’t exactly go with your $10K Vera Wang gown.
Nut Bush City Limits, by Tina Turner
The ultimate golden oldie, and also the ultimate #fail. Your mum and her friends may think it's absolutely adorable to do this awkward, slow-mo dance in front of all your friends but seriously, how embarrassing will it be when you look at the video footage sober? Just let that sink in for a bit.
The Chicken Dance
Just no. If you’re even thinking about this you just need to stop and get your priorities straight. No judgment (but please move on).
Ninja, by Die Antwood
This song is the ultimate creeper and does not have a place at any wedding. We’ve been to a wedding where this was played and it was probably the most awkward thing…. ever.
Tick Tock, by Ke$ha
This is one we struggled with. It's catchy and you can probably imagine yourself up there with all your girls rocking it out like you were 15 again at the Ke$ha concert. It gets people on the dancefloor, true. But after hard thoughts (over many wines) we scratched it. Mainly because it's your wedding – you’re a woman now, not a girl. Your wedding is meant to be a reflection of you and your hubby, not your 15-year-old dreams of being a pop star.
Parkway Drive
You’d think screamo music would be a complete no-no when it comes to your big day, but sadly that definitely isn’t the case. You’d be surprised how many times this music is put on the play list at a wedding or engagement party. It’s the ultimate vibe killer, and will definitely not keep your party going all night long.
James Blunt
Absolutely love the music, but the lyrics “And I don’t know what to do, but I’ll never be with you” should never be played at your wedding. Talk about a #debbiedowner.
Shout Out to My Ex
We know it's a big call, but this is the worst song ever made! Not only is it just bad, but exes should never make an appearance at your wedding - even in a song.
Gold Digger, by Kanye West
Enough said. And awkward when it gets played and the bride is like “This is totally about me” while laughing and dancing. No seriously – it happened. And she was actually right. #facepalm.
It Wasn’t Me, by Shaggy
NO, because believe us when we say that it is so freaking awkward when your Aunty mouths the words "What didn;t he do?". True story. Let's leave it there.