You're engaged! Now What?
Getty iStock / Cecilie Arcurs
So he has popped the question and you’re over the moon! You're all loved up! You're glowing! You’ve told family and friends and then the dust settles... you now have a wedding to plan. Not quite sure where to begin? We've created a fool-proof plan to get you through the very early stages.
Get your engagement ring sized, or even cleaned
Depending on when your fiancé bought the ring, it may have already gathered dust or might not fit properly, so it's a good idea get it all sparkling again, and while you’re at it ask the jeweller to check the size. You don't want this kind of problem hanging over your head when you have other issues to deal with.
If you’re a little nervous nelly about having something sparkly and expensive on your finger, you can always organise insurance as well.
Pick a date
It doesn’t have to be the exact date, but a ballpark month and year can help you start goals. You may have family and friends who need to travel to the wedding, so it's nice to give them a heads-up so they can start planning too. It would be a shame for Uncle Henry from Sweden to miss out!
Set up a Pinterest board
Create an account and go crazy! Build up boards that let you explore wedding themes, dresses, shoes, food... everything! You may end up taking a liking to a trend or style you wouldn't have considered otherwise.
Don't forget about romance
When you're caught up in planning, it’s easy to make this all about you. But you shouldn't forget the most important part of your wedding - your fiancé!
Organise a date night: it doesn’t have to be lavish, but treat yourselves to a romantic night out. Ultimately, your life together starts now.
Get ‘appy’
The easiest way to start a plan is to download a wedding-planning app or program. Most will have guest lists, budgets, to-do lists and meeting calendars that you can add to. It will help you get your head around all the figures and details without the stress and annoying paperwork.
Start Saving!
It goes without saying - there is nothing cheap about a wedding. Try to follow a plan where you put away a little bit of money every week, or every pay day. You can start with as little as $10 a week. Put it aside in a jar or a coffee mug so you can see how much you're saving. Every cent counts.
Create a guest list
Ask both families to compile a list of who they would like to invite, combine your lists and go from there. You will probably add or delete some names a few times during the planning process, but getting the names down can be the most challenging part as you don’t want to forget anyone important.