Kara Invitations

Kara Invitations


Kara Invitations is an online store specialising in stylish, simple and affordable wedding invitations and stationery. They can work to your style and budget to produce stationery that reflects you.


Website: karainvitations.com

Email: info@karainvitations.com


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We believe that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication. We don’t add any lace or embellishments to our designs. They are refined and elegant and will be sure to make a fabulous impression on your wedding guests.

Our Signature Collection features digitally printed invitations on luxurious thick cardstock. We have a White Ink range of invitations printed in white ink on natural brown cardstock as well as navy and black. Or add some luxe to your invitations with our affordable foil and letterpress collection.

Choose from one of our stylish designs or request a custom design if you have something specific in mind.

If you like our style then please get in touch, we’d love to hear from you!

Kara Invitations